Professional Staff Association

The Professional Staff Association is an advisory and/or review body within the structure of Chadron State College; and it serves as an advocacy unit for the professional staff members.

The purposes of the Professional Staff Association are to:

  • 与教师和行政部门合作,发挥专业领导作用,以支持学校的发展 strategic plan of the college
  • Provide a forum for discussion of all issues affecting the professional staff
  • 促进专业人员在大学管治适当领域的代表机会
  • Engage civically in the campus community and the greater community

Constitution of the Professional Staff Association Chadron State College Chadron, Nebraska


本宪法所依据的哲学原则是,查德隆州立学院的存在是为了满足学生的需求, 受内布拉斯加州和内布拉斯加州大学董事会的法律和治理.

The Professional Staff Association (PSA) derives its authority from three main sources: 1) the Nebraska State College Board of Trustees; 2) the College President; and 3) the codes and ethics of the respective members' professions.

Operationally, the Professional Staff Association is an advisory and/or review body within the structure of the College; and it serves as an advocacy unit for the professional staff members.

I. Organization

A. Name: the name of the organization shall be the Professional Staff Association (PSA).

B. Function:

1. The PSA shall serve, among other purposes, 作为一个论坛,讨论有关学生和专业人员的发展以及学院的教育氛围的相关事宜.

2. PSA应作为沟通渠道,通过该协会可以作为学院校长和内布拉斯加州州立大学董事会ladbrokes立博中文版运作的咨询论坛.

3. The PSA shall serve as the medium by which the Professional Staff, an organized group, 可否与教职员协会就共同的问题和关注寻求解决方案.

4. 公共服务委员会有权对教务委员会采取的影响公共服务委员会成员(或其成员之一)工作条件或一般福利的行动行使审查权力。.

C. Membership:

1. 会员资格将开放给目前在查德隆州立学院工作的专门为学生指导课程和/或提供服务的专业人员. Full time administrators (President, Provost, 副校长和院长)和全职教师不包括在这个定义中.

2. 教职员协会可从其会员中选出一(1)人,定期出席教职员协会的会议.

3. 其他学院人员的入会申请将由本会考虑.

D. Meetings:

1. The PSA holds regularly scheduled meetings as determined by the Association By-laws.

2. PSA主席有权召集协会的特别会议.

3. The President of the College shall also have the authority to convene the PSA.

4. 经至少百分之二十(20%)会员的请求,PSA主席应召开特别会议.

E. Officers:

1. The officers of the PSA shall be: President, Vice President/President-Elect and Secretary.

2. The term of office shall be one (1) year beginning in May.

3. A nominating committee shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the President of PSA. 该委员会将提交副主席/候任主席候选人名单, Secretary and Senator. 副主席/当选总统应在当选后的一年内担任主席. Nominations for these offices may also be made from the floor. A senator may be nominated for the Vice Presidency. 促请提名委员会考虑到公共服务小组所代表的学科数目,以及应作为主席团和/或参议员代表的团体数目.

F. Duties of the President of the PSA:

1. To call regular and special meetings and to preside over these meetings.

2. To be an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees of the Association.

3. To serve on or to appoint a representative to other college committees as needed.

4. To vote only in the PSA to break a tie vote.

5. 负责接收协会委员会的报告,并将报告中所载的各项建议转交学院院长及/或有关机构,以便采取进一步行动.

G. Duties of the Vice President/President-Elect of PSA:

1. To assume the office of President of the PSA in his/her absence, and to complete the term of the President in the event the President is unable to do so.

2. To serve as an ex-officio member of all PSA committees.

H. Duties of the Secretary:

1. To keep complete records of all proceedings of the PSA.

2. To notify each member of the date, time and place of PSA meetings.

3. To report the minutes of the meetings in writing or orally to the PSA, except when circumstances beyond his/her control make it impossible to do so. Such reports shall be made on or before the time of the next PSA meeting.

I. Standing and Special Committees:

1. The membership of the PSA will stand as a Committee of the Whole, 有履行本章程和协会规定的职责的义务.

2. 为履行诸如收集事实等职责的明确目的,可设立特别委员会, seeking solutions to existing problems, 并提出可由协会全体委员会表决通过的建议.

J. By-laws of the PSA:

1. PSA应负责建立和实施其自己的操作程序规则,即协会章程.

II. Amendments to this Constitution.


1. 对本宪法的修改,可在依法召开的会议上以出席者的简单多数票提出.

2. 建议的修正案应至少在投票日期前一周以书面形式提交给PSA的每位成员. 有三分之二以上的议员通过,即可修改本宪法.

III. Parliamentary Procedure.


1. One-third of the membership of the PSA shall constitute a quorum. 小组委员会和特设委员会的法定人数为委员会成员的百分之五十加一.

2. A simple majority of the votes cast, providing a quorum is present, ,足以决定某项议题或某项选举.

3. Unless otherwise specified in the Constitution and the By-laws, 管理PSA及其各委员会的最终权威应为《ladbrokes立博官网》.

4. 为了使参议员能够进入学院参议院,所有PSA官员的选举应在4月1日或之前进行.

IV. Ratification.


