Peer Tutoring

The CSC Learning Lab Peer Tutor Program provides tutoring in most subject areas, 包括通识教育课程. 你可以和学生导师见面讨论课程材料, 回答关于课程的问题, 或者接受考试学习的帮助. Peer tutoring is available to all CSC students at no additional expense. 一些科目提供辅导:数学, Writing, Chemistry, Biology, Social Sciences, Rangeland Management, Music, Psychology, Education, & Business.

Are you an online student? We offer all tutoring subjects available in person or online. 使用我们的 Bookings Page,请选择“网上预约”. 我们将为您的辅导课程发送一个缩放链接. Please be sure to have the assignment you are working on ready for the tutor to reference. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Front Desk of the Learning Lab at or 308-432-6382. 



“It was a good experience and helped me recommend a friend who now goes there often.”


Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.、星期日:只接受预约.



有时你在凌晨两点需要帮助, 或者只问一个简短的问题, 视频是最好的解释. At these times it helps to know some of the resources available on-demand.



The 普渡大学在线写作实验室 是大学写作信息的首选资源吗. It is what our tutors use, and it should be one of your bookmarked pages.

Additionally we have APA Style for Beginners



Our tutors recommend Symbolab Math Solver 它一步一步地解决数学问题. One note though, this isn't to be used to do your homework, but to learn how to do your homework.

Mathway 是否有其他网站可以帮助你解决数学问题. 它有各种各样的在线计算器,适用于任何课程.

Did you know the Learning Lab has TI-84 graphing calculators for check-out? Contact us at 整个学期都要去查一遍.


The Dynamic Periodic Table 是否适合学习和探索元素. Sort, select, and search the various elements for a world of information.

 General Resources

我们在学习实验室不能推荐 Khan Academy highly enough. What started as one man tutoring his cousin using YouTube videos has become one of the best academic resources for students and teachers. While it is primarily geared towards math and high school students, 在不同的学科中有大量的信息:

It is free to sign up and each subject is divided into easily consumable short lessons, videos, and practices.

CrashCourse is a YouTube channel, 它最初被推荐为一个伟大的历史资源, which it is, 还包括文学方面的信息视频, biology, ecology, chemistry, and more.

Time Management Resources

College can be stressful for students, especially during their first year at college. 时间管理是一项很难掌握的技能, 但这是学习成功最重要的技能之一.

学会如何管理好你的时间是很重要的, 在课外为自己腾出更多的时间. Discipline=FREEDOM!

Here are some great tips on how to start managing your time better in and outside of college. 

1. Create a Calendar

Creating a calendar to help you manage your day to day like can relieve a lot of stress. Instead of being caught by surprise with an important paper due two days from now, or missing a fun event in the HUB because you accidentally scheduled study group that night, 创建日历可以帮助你管理你的事件, deadlines, exams, and fun events. 


2. Set Reminders

If you decide on an digital calendar, it is time to set some reminders to help you stay on track. This can help you if you need to complete certain assignments on time, 当社交活动到来的时候提醒你, and help remind you to send out that group message to meet about a group project. 

如果电子日历不适合你, 您可以使用物理计划器, 或者在手机上设置提醒提醒. Time management is all about setting yourself up for success, 给自己一些工具,这样做会对你有帮助, 增加你的信心. 

3. 使用适合你的工具

如果电子日历不适合你,没关系! 找到最适合你的工具,并坚持使用它. The more consistent you are using that tool, the easier it will get to stay on schedule. Your calendar or time management choice will help you with short, and long term planning. 


如果你喜欢纸质计划, 这些对长期的截止日期很有帮助, important class deadlines, exam dates, and appointments/meetings. 时间隔离也是有益的. Attached are print out options created by 学业成功办公室 to help with your needs!

4. Prioritize

就像我们之前说过的,纪律=自由! When you have a lot to do, and little time to do it in, things can get stressful. However, 如果你学会了如何优先处理你的任务, 一次完成一个大项目, 你会发现这些任务变得更容易完成. 


What can be postponed? 把社交活动排在最后, 总会有下一次的, but there will not be another due date for your mid term project. 

Friends will understand! Nothing says more about good friends than ones who support you prioritizing your education and work schedule. 

5. Have Fun!

为自己安排时间也很重要. 生活并不总是课堂、考试、工作和学习. Put your well being and mental health first, and schedule in time to have fun with friends. 

CSC在校园提供令人惊讶的有趣的住宿生活活动. Check here 查看即将到来的有趣活动列表! 

6. Use Campus Resources

Time management, organization, and preparation can sometimes only get you so far. Luckily, there are a lot of resources at CSC to help you succeed! 我们在每个角落都有人支持你! 以下是一些可以求助的地方:


Academic Success Coaches are available in the Learning Lab to help you succeed during college. 这些同伴教练在这里以各种方式提供帮助. Do you need some help with getting organized, finding motivation, or just someone to chat with? 学业成功教练为你而来!

Are you an online student? 所有的辅导课程也可以在网上找到. When visiting our Bookings Page,请选择“网上预约”. Once we receive the appointment we will email you a Zoom link for you and your Academic Success Coach. 


在利用这些资源后,学生们被问到 “What did you learn while participating in academic coaching?”



“I feel I learned a lot about time management because I started completing my assignments earlier in the week”



Student Success Workshops

想要学习如何保持条理? Get motivated? Join us at one of our Student Success Workshops that are open to all CSC students!


September 5th from 11-12 in the Scottsbluff Room- Time Management

September 19th from 11-12 in Library Room 111- Fighting Procrastination with Dr Alison Fritz

October 3rd from 11-12 in Library Room 111- Tackling Test Anxiety with Chelsea Turner M.A. ed., CPC, LIMHP

October 17th from 11-12 in Library Room 111- Burnout and Stress Management

November 7th  from 11-12 in Library Room 111- Original Thinking with Dr Cassandra Ritzen

November 21st from 2-3PM in Library Room 111- Holiday Stress Tips and Self Care with CSC's Counseling Staff

Vision Board Workshop

Study Hall

Some athletic teams and other organizations require students to participate in study hall hours at the Learning Lab. 请到学习实验室前台签到, 然后根据你的教练或其他领导的要求, 你可以在图书馆安静地学习, work with a tutor, or work in a study group.

If requested, we can also complete a study hall session form for you to return to your coach or instructor. On request, we can also email your coach or instructor that you attended study hall in the Learning Lab. 



PASS Leader sessions are extra study and review time for a specific class which is led and guided by a PASS Leader. 这些课程大多是为科学部门提供的, 然而,一些数学部分也可能提供PASS课程. 

PASS Session



Work in the Learning Lab


Are you interested in becoming a Peer Tutor, Academic Success Coach, or PASS leader? Please email, Chantel Merchen, Director - 学业成功办公室, for a link to the application:

Requirements include: 

  • GPA of a 3.0 or higher (2.如果最近的成绩表明有很高的潜力,0分)
  • 优秀的人际交往能力
  • Eager to learn and contribute (opportunities to help are plentiful)
  • 必须是一个积极的学术榜样吗
  • Provide a faculty reference in the subject you would like to be a tutor in.Alec in Learning Lab

Contact Us

Chantel Merchen

Chantel Merchen
Phone: 308-432-6381

Rebecca Monahan

Rebecca Monahan
Retention Specialist
Phone: 308-432-6488